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Writing A Resignation Letter Due To Bullying

Resignation Letter Due To Bullying


Writing a resignation letter due to bullying can be challenging, especially given the range of feelings it may arouse. Being in a situation where you have experienced verbal abuse at work can be extremely unsettling, baffling, and shocking for some people.

Since we all believe that professional relationships are built on respect, civility, and professionalism, this type of behavior is not acceptable in the workplace. Sometimes, after doing everything else including going to the HR department and nothing seems to be working, the only option left is to resign.

Remember that verbal abuse may be just as painful as physical violence, and it should never be condoned.

What Does Resignation Letter Due To Bullying Mean?

A resignation letter written due to bullying is a formal letter informing the company of your intention to leave work because you experienced some form of bullying . Your reasons are outlined in this letter to your manager. After an event at work if you feel you were treated unfairly, you might want to submit a resignation letter. 

This typically includes further information, such as your last day of employment, and notifies your boss, supervisor, or employer of the circumstances of the offense.

What Do Workers Consider Bullying At Work?

Workplace bullying, including:

  • Harassment
  • Racism or racial discrimination 
  • Gender inequality
  • Religious intolerance
  • Inequality based on age
  • Disability discrimination 
  • Pregnancy discrimination
  • Nepotism reprisals after complaints
  • Wage disagreements
  • Workplace disputes

Steps in Writing A Resignation Letter Due To Bullying

The methods listed below indicate how to compose a resignation letter due to bullying in a respectful and professional way:

  • Consult the Human Resources Department.

The human resources department’s responsibility includes handling workplace grievances. It is advisable to chat with them first before making any decisions or giving your notice, for that reason. They might be able to make things right or they might implement procedures to address your issue. As a final resort, you can submit a resignation letter if you voice your concerns and the firm doesn’t, in your opinion, remedy the problem.

  • Consult with The Management.

Set up a meeting with your manager or supervisor if your company doesn’t have a dedicated human resources department or if you’ve already spoken to them and aren’t satisfied with the outcome. They are responsible for treating these issues seriously and making sure you enjoy your employment. They might also be able to draw attention to the problem to higher management by using their authority. You can ask for a one-on-one meeting with your boss by speaking with them directly or by sending an email.

  • Make the Decision to Write a Resignation Letter.

It’s time to compose your resignation letter if, after taking the aforementioned two steps, you still believe it would be best to quit the organization. Consider carefully your resignation’s motivations as well as the goals you have for your letter. Choose whether you want to move on, establish boundaries or seek legal action. Be honest about your concern in the letter.

  • Use a Respectful and Honest Approach.

It can be tempting to use harsh language when you believe a coworker or boss has treated you unfairly. An emotional or poor resignation letter could harm your reputation and employment prospects. Therefore, it’s best to use courteous language and wording throughout while describing your reason for leaving in a neutral, civil, and non-accusatory tone.

  • Include Your Last Working Day.

Decide when your last day of employment will be. Review your contract if necessary to remind yourself of the notice period. It’s important to keep in mind that your notice period only starts on the day you submit or present your resignation letter. Make it clear in your letter that your resignation is effective immediately if you intend to leave right away.

  • List the Advantages

Even if you intend to include the negative aspects of your reason for leaving in your letter, be sure to balance it by highlighting the positive aspects of your time there. This could be the connections you’ve made with coworkers, the chance to grow and advance your talents, or the entire culture of the business. Include this in your list of the high points of your time working for the company.

  • Talk About Your Next Moves

It’s beneficial to outline your next moves in your resignation letter in addition to stating your departure date. Mention the position you’d like to take on during your notice period, such as training new employees, or whether you’d prefer to quit right away. Mention whether you plan to pursue legal action in the case.

Resignation Letter Due To Bullying Template

[Employee’s name]

[Your position]




[Employer’s name]


[Company’s name]

Dear [Employer’s name]

With effect from [date], I formally resign from [my role or title] at [business name]. I apologize for delivering this letter so hastily, but due to [reason], I must resign with little notice.

I would like to thank this company for the opportunities it has given me over the past [number of years working] in order to express my gratitude.

I appreciate your patience, and I’m prepared to help ease the transition over the next few [days/weeks] as much as I can.

I’m willing to talk with you by phone or email if you need to get in touch with me after I’ve departed to discuss my [work, current projects] and assist the new hire with training practices.

Sincere regards,

[Employee’s name]


Examples Of Resignation Letter Due To Bullying

If you were unfairly bullied at work, you might write something like the following resignation letter sample:

Example 1

[Employee’s name]

[Your position]




[Employer’s name]


[Company’s name]

Dear [Employer’s name]

I’m writing to let you know that I’m leaving my position at (Company name) as (position/title). My last day of employment is August 11, 2020,  and I am giving you one month’s notice of my desire to quit the company in accordance with the terms of my contract.

Although I have learned a lot from you and the (position/title) over the past three years I have spent at (Company’s name), I regret that I am unable to extend my employment. I recently suffered from unfair treatment from one of my coworkers. The human resources department has received three formal complaints from me, but the corporation has not taken any action to address them, and I have not received a response.

In addition to my colleague’s inappropriate behavior, I believe that the senior staff members have not given me enough support.

At (Company name), I have used a variety of skills and expertise, and I have significantly aided in its recent success. Along the way, I have gained a lot of knowledge. However, I think it’s time for me to leave right now. I can ensure that I hand over any unfinished work and give my replacement any necessary training throughout my notice period.

I appreciate you giving me the chance to work with you and the team. I hope your future endeavors for the business and for you are successful.

Sincere regards,

[Employee’s name]


Example 2

[Employee’s name]

[Your position]




[Employer’s name]


[Company’s name]

Dear [Employer’s name]

You might not be aware of this, but some of the people on your management team don’t follow the right corporate rules. I therefore tender my resignation with sadness due to inappropriate company behavior.

Building (Company name) to where it is today has been a pleasure for me, and I regret the terrible circumstances that have forced me to leave the organization.

If you would like to meet with my lawyer and I to talk about these occurrences, which have been brought to HR’s attention during the past 12 months, kindly let us know. 6th august, 2018 will be my last day.

Sincere regards,

[Employee’s name]



Writing a resignation letter due to bullying can be difficult, and how you leave your position could have an impact on your reputation in the field. Because of this, it’s crucial to submit your notice in the proper manner. It’s crucial when you’re quitting for a sensitive reason, like bullying, because you could feel a range of emotions and find it difficult to maintain your professionalism. 

I hope that by providing instructions, a sample, a template, and examples to follow, we were able to illustrate the best approach to submit your resignation letter due to bullying and highlight activities that an employee would deem to be unfair treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should you put a reason for leaving in your resignation letter?

  • It’s sometimes important to state your reason for quitting in a resignation letter. This can give your employer some important details about the circumstance.

Can I resign with immediate effect due to bullying?

  • A verbal resignation is sufficient if you’re quitting your job immediately in protest of how you’ve been treated, but it’s preferable to put it in writing. Your notice period won’t begin to run until you provide your employer written notice of your intent to resign, which is required under the majority of employment contracts.

You can also read Writing A Resignation Letter After Short Employment.

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