Difference Between Experience Letter and Relieving letter

Experience Letter and Relieving letter

In recent times, the development of experience letters and relieving letters has thrown quite a lot into an unknown frenzy of job search. In the human resource ecosystem, it is increasingly becoming a difficult task for job seekers to land their dream jobs.

This is essentially due to differences across job roles and organizations and as such, many find it hard to understand the difference between these two concepts. In this article, I will be explaining the key differences as well as the usefulness and features of the experience letter and relieving letter.

What Is the Difference Between a Experience Letter And Relieving Letter?

The major component that differentiates an experience letter from a relieving letter is the time at which both letters are prepared and tendered around resignations. An experience letter is prepared and tendered anytime during the issuance of the resignation letter; meanwhile, the relieving letter is tendered and prepared after the submission of the resignation letter.

These letters are necessary for job change as they are responsible for selling the skills set of a potential employee. Relieving letters and experience letters come with the official letterhead of your current employer.

What Is an Experience Letter

An experience letter is a letter-headed letter that contains the achievements, duties, and skill set of an employee. This mostly acts as a verifier of claims. Say, for instance, you want to apply for a VISA ( this is one of the many instances where an experience letter is needed), the experience letter you will be sent to the right entities will serve as one of the considerations for your visa application.

Also, the experience letter will contain your reasons for the application for say, the visa. It may also be for pursuing higher degrees. In essence, your cause will be boldly stated in the experience letter

What to Include in An Experience Letter

Below are some of the important components of an Experience Letter:

  • Employee’s full name
  • Employee’s work duration in the organization
  • Employee’s role and responsibilities
  • Sender’s information
  • Employee’s last salary
  • Employee’s post
  • Issuance date

Uses of An Experience Letter

Below are some of the uses of an Experience Letter:

  • It is used as proof that the employee has worked in the stated organization
  • It forms a part of the supporting documentation process in addition to the Employee’s resume
  • It is used to highlight the roles and responsibilities of an employee
  • It is used to highlight the skills of an employee
  • It is used to highlight the job description and last salary of an employee

What Is a Relieving Letter?

A relieving letter is a letter-headed letter that is presented to an employee upon resignation. This letter serves as proof that the employee left the company or organization on good grounds without any issues whatsoever.

A relieving letter is much more important than it seems as it shows that you didn’t steal a company’s funds, use the company’s resources for your gain without adequate process or destroy the company’s property. It stands as a testament to a good character to work and the organization.

What to Include in A Relieving Letter

If you are confused as to what should be included in your relieving letter, do not be bothered. Below are some of the basic components of a relieving letter:

  • The organization’s full address, phone number(s), and name
  • Issuance date
  • Employee’s date of the first appointment
  • Employee’s date of termination of appointment
  • Employee’s full name
  • Employee’s designation
  • Employee’s conduct
  • Sender’s designation
  • Sender’s full name and signature
  • Appreciation statement from the sender

Features of A Relieving Letter

Some of the features of a relieving letter include:

  • It must be in a professional tone
  • Must include the “To Whomsoever It May Concern” tag
  • Organization’s letterhead
  • It must be brief and simple
  • It must highlight the employee’s resignation acceptance

Is a Relieving Letter Enough or Is an Experience Letter Also Mandatory for Changing Jobs?

A lot of job seekers always get confused as regards the importance of experience letters and relieving in a job change. Professionally, the right to issuance of relieving letters varies across different countries. In India for instance, an employer is not under any obligation to issue a relieving letter to her employee or else it is explicitly stated in your appointment letter. In other countries like the USA, an employee has the right to request a relieving letter but is not entitled to that right. You are only not entitled to a relieving letter if you leave the company on bad grounds like harassment or usage of the company’s resources for your benefit.

That being said, as long as you are leaving or left the company on good grounds, a relieving letter is good enough for a job change.

Is a Company Bound to Issue a Relieving Letter to Its Employee

There are different scenarios surrounding the issuance of relieving letters to employees. Going by the Industrial Employment Standing Order Act, an employer is under no obligation to give relieving letters to employees except otherwise stated in the appointment letter. However, it is advisable to always give relieving letters upon request as it serves as a way of building the image of the company.

Is a Company Bound to Issue an Experience Letter to its Employee?

As an employee, it is important to note that it is your right to request an experience letter. Also, the company is under obligation to give you an experience letter upon request.

Apart from that, some job seekers feel it is important to give quit notice to their employer before resignation. Although it is civil and ethical to give quit notice to employers before the resignation, you are not under any obligation to serve such notice.


Timing in the issue date is the key difference between experience letter and relieving letter. A relieving letter is issued to an employee after resignation. It serves as evidence of good faith and that you are leaving the company on good grounds.

On the other hand, an experience letter can be issued during the time of engagement with an organization. It is a detailed letter highlighting your roles, responsibilities, achievements, duties, skills, and abilities. It shows that you carried out your duties during your time at the organization.


Can I Get an Experience Letter While Working?

Although different organizations come with various work ethics, yes, you can get an experience letter while working.

Is a Stamp Required on An Experience Letter?

A stamp is not a requirement for a valid experience letter. Most of the experience letter comes via mail and other digital means. This is to aid the verification process

What Is the Substitute for Relieving Letter?

Some of the substitute for relieving letters include:
A written letter that confirms your resignation acceptance. It may be through digital means or handwritten.

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