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Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship
Funding Type:

Fully Funded


USA Universities








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The journey towards higher education is exciting, but even the most motivated students might sometimes struggle because of the financial strain. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship fills this gap by giving students the chance to follow their academic ambitions free from the burden of financial obligations. In-depth information on this prestigious scholarship will be covered in this thorough guide, which will walk you through the application procedure, requirements, rewards, and much more. Let’s investigate how a better future might be paved with the help of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship.

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Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Description

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship is a fully-funded initiative available only to students in the United States. It offers financial aid of up to $55,000 annually, important assistance with college planning, ongoing counseling, and the exceptional chance to interact with the large Cooke Scholar community.

High-achieving high school seniors with financial need who wish to enroll in and graduate from the most esteemed four-year colleges and universities in the country are the target audience for this scholarship program. With extensive educational advice, major cohort-based programming, and financing for graduate school, it is the largest undergraduate scholarship program of its kind.

Additionally, the program fosters a strong network of more than 2,800 alumni and other Cooke Scholars. The award is intended to pay for a sizable percentage of the student’s tuition, living expenses, books, and other mandatory fees. Depending on the cost of tuition and any other grants or scholarships they may be eligible for, the award amount varies from person to person.

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship, a source of inspiration and a doorway to higher education, is at the center of educational goals. This scholarship, which bears the name of the visionary businessman and philanthropist Jack Kent Cooke, is well known for its dedication to spotting and supporting deserving applicants. The foundation seeks to equip motivated individuals with the tools necessary to realize their greatest potential and make significant contributions to society through its steadfast support.

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Benefits

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship is exceptional for its wide array of advantages that go well beyond financial aid. Here are some examples of the benefits waiting for eligible recipients:

  • A four-year approved undergraduate program may cost up to $55,000 per year.
  • ability to pursue any course of study.
  • comprehensive guidance on adjusting to college life and making the most of the college experience
  • Personal guidance for choosing a college and navigating financial aid

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must fulfill the requirements listed below in order to be eligible for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship:

  • English is required as a language.
  • Senior standing: intend to graduate from a high school in the United States in the spring of 2024.
  • Fall College Enrollment: Plan to enroll at a four-year college that is accredited starting in the fall of 2024.
  • GPA: Obtain a cumulative unweighted GPA of at least 3.5.
  • Demonstrate Unmet Financial Need: Applicants having a household gross income of up to $95,000 will be taken into consideration. The Foundation will carry out a thorough financial analysis of the student and the student’s parents’ income and assets as part of the selection process.

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Each application for the College Scholarship Program is evaluated individually by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation with the aid of a committee of educational experts from throughout the country. The following selection criteria are used:

  • Academic ability and achievement: keeps up a high academic record, earns excellent teacher recommendations, has a desire for challenge, and exhibits excitement for learning. A cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 is the minimal requirement for qualified applicants.
  • Leadership: inspires others, shows initiative, and makes a constructive contribution to the community.
  • Persistence: When presented with adversity, demonstrates tenacity, is goal-oriented, and is able to adjust to change.
  • Unmet financial need: Applicants with a maximum annual gross income of $95,000 will be taken into consideration. The group of new College Scholarship grantees from the previous year had a median household income of about $34,000. The Foundation will carry out a thorough financial analysis of the student and the student’s parents’ income and assets as part of the selection process.

How to Apply for Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship

Please click the link below to submit an application for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship.

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