How To Get A Pre MBA Internship: What You Should Know.

Pre MBA Internship

The increasing demand for a pre MBA internship as of today is quite amazing. Compared to many years ago, a lot of people were not privileged to get the right information about this internship, hence they missed out on it.

It is one thing to get admitted into an MBA program, it is another thing to prepare for life during and after MBA.

While some people use that period before MBA to travel, work, take courses, etc. others use the period to network and gain valuable experience by enrolling in a pre MBA internship.

By reading this article, you will get a better understanding of pre MBA internships, their perks, and how to go about them.

What is A Pre MBA Internship 

Pre-MBA internships are simply internships that newly admitted MBA students enroll in before the commencement of their MBA program.

 To broaden the scope, these internships are professional programs that are provided by designated companies to new MBA intakes before they commence their program.

This program grants students the opportunity, network, experience, and preparation needed to thrive post MBA, as the hectic nature of the MBA program might not give them the time and chance to.

The available opportunities vary from sector to sector, intending to offer pre MBA students a glimpse of the industry and the role required of them after their MBA.

Pre MBA Internship Opportunities

 There are varieties of opportunities for pre MBA internships, however, they fall into two major categories. These include the internship before matriculation and the short orientation program.

Internship Before Matriculation

These are power-packed internship programs that mostly occur in the summer before matriculation. These well-structured programs span a period of 2 – 3 months.

Getting a pre MBA internship from a competitive and large multinational company, such as Barclays MBA, can be very difficult.  However, they are very valuable, as they give you an edge over other MBA graduates.

Some of these popular companies only recruit participants from well-recognized and competitive institutions. Confirm if your institution falls under such category, before approaching the said company for a pre MBA internship.

However, participants can also apply for this program in other smaller companies. Although they are usually rare and of a low standard. Since they might find these opportunities advertised by smaller companies, participants can send cold mail to increase their chance of getting enrolled.

Participants in this program are expected to carry out certain tasks and responsibilities in the company.

Orientation Program

Pre MBA orientation internships are quite different from the internship before matriculation. They are usually short, spanning about 5 days.

Unlike internships before matriculation, they are easy to get enrolled in. They don’t require any responsibilities from participants, rather they provide them an opportunity to explore the industry, including the roles expected of them in the industry after their MBA program.

This program is ideal for people who want to gain surface-level experience and network with colleagues and recruiters in their field.

Getting A Pre MBA Internship

Having gotten insight into what a pre MBA internship is all about, you might be considering enrolling for one. If you fall in this category, you will need tips and guidelines on how to go about this. This is what we will be doing in this section.

Start As Early As January

Getting a placement for a pre MBA internship in a company is not usually a smooth ride for everyone. It takes some a couple of months or more before they finally get accepted.

Starting the process of seeking a pre MBA internship early, will give you a good chance at getting a befitting and long internship. Thus, increasing your duration of experience and training in your respective field.

Remember you have to do this internship before fall when most institutions are expected to begin their MBA program. Starting the process as early as January will help you start and finish your internship at the right time.

Know What You Want From The Company

 Knowing what you want from the companies you are applying to, will help you tailor your search to fit your wants. 

There are various reasons why one would apply for a pre MBA internship. It could be to explore their career path, gain relevant skills, gain experience, or improve your resume.

Choose Your Companies of Interest

When choosing companies you would love to do your pre MBA internship in, try as much as possible to be realistic with it. Find out your chances of getting an internship with the company, by comparing previous internships the company has offered to participants. 

Most large companies have a strict hiring process and target profiles. See if you fit into their target profile, before applying.

It is easier to get picked by smaller companies and startups. They include investment companies, venture-backed startups, local businesses, and more.

Update Your Resume

Your resume might probably be the most important part of your application process. Therefore, don’t spoil your chances of getting picked by providing a shabby resume. 

After getting a notification of an internship opportunity from a particular firm, take time to go through the job description and the company.

Take note of all the skills and experiences required, and see if you fit into it. Tailor your experience and skills to what the company demands. Remove every irrelevant experience that does not fit the job description.

Applicants can also give their resume to a professional, to review for errors.

Indicate Your Interest To The Companies

Getting a pre MBA internship is not always a simple process. Sometimes, it requires that you make an extra effort while applying for the internship.

Applicants can reach out to employees in the interested company, to get information about the company’s pre MBA internship opportunities before applying.

 Cold emailing and cold calling is another effective way of reaching out to companies, especially smaller private companies and startups. However, make your research before applying.

You can also check out this article; How to write an internship report with example.

Benefits of A Pre MBA Internship

There are varieties of benefits that come with enrolling in a pre MBA internship. These benefits will give you a competitive advantage during and after your MBA. Some of these benefits include:

●     Opportunity to network in your target industry.

●     Stand a chance to gain insight and relevant experience in your target industry.

●     Give a facelift to your resume.

●     Give you a headstart before your MBA program.

●     Help you explore your interest area.

●     Prepares you for an MBA internship during the summer.

The Bad Side Of Getting A Pre MBA Internship

Getting a pre MBA comes with lots of opportunities, however, it requires a certain level of commitment and determination.

Applicants interested in getting a pre MBA internship should be ready to sacrifice a lot of time, resources, and energy in their pursuits.

Before applying for a pre MBA internship, we should identify our priority and act accordingly. If we haven’t settled certain responsibilities that precede MBA like finance, housing, budget, and transportation cost, getting a pre MBA might not be advisable as it may be a big distraction.

Most pre MBA internships are not financially rewarding as they pay little to nothing, compared to your pay range at work.

Make sure to consider all these factors before applying for a pre MBA internship, as to not make your MBA stay very difficult for you.


Getting a pre MBA internship can be one of your best decisions, or an irrational decision, depending on how you approach it. However it is worth giving it a try. You can never tell what this one internship can do in changing your life completely. Moreso an opportunity to learn and network will not do anyone harm. Make sure you get the right information, seek the internship early, and maximize the opportunities that come with the internship.

Check out this, ‘Why should you be hired for this internship?’ article to help you ace your internship interviews.

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