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I Feel Like Quitting My Job Everyday

I Feel Like Quitting My Job Everyday


It us always alluring when people say, “I feel like quitting my job everyday”. This is because they don’t enjoy their work scenario and always have the urge to quit.

Your job is a hugely significant aspect of your life that has an enormous impact on you. Additionally, if you are not loving your job, it may affect other aspects of your life, such as relationships and general attitude.

This article will explore the possible causes of your job-quitter thoughts and provide advice on what to do to help you deal with the want to leave your job every day.

Let’s get going.

Why Do I Constantly Feel Like I Want To Quit My Job Every Day?

Employees typically want to leave their jobs because they feel stuck or powerless in some way. They can also be unsure of their career goals or want to shift fields.

I Feel Like Quitting My Job Everyday
  • Difficult To Request Less Work.

It’s conceivable that you are being exploited at work if you consistently go above and above but are not recognized for it. But there might be other elements at work. Do other workers go above and beyond? What occurs if they do? Does the management appreciate their work?

  • Having Trouble With Your Management.

Frustration with a company’s leadership is a common reason why people consider leaving. Because of their supervisors, about 75% of people abandon their jobs.

  • Money

Are you able to earn enough to live the lifestyle you desire? Or do you discover that you’re having trouble making ends meet and are unable to pursue your interests?

  • Relationship Issues With Coworkers

According to a study by Qiu and Pescheck, employees who exhibit interpersonally workplace deviant behaviors hinder the group’s progress toward its common objectives and reduce overall efficiency. Coworkers who are poisonous and passive-aggressive can undoubtedly contribute to an unfavorable work environment.

  • Being Exhausted And Overworked.

The best performance from employees is the goal of contemporary office design. If an employee struggles with prioritization or setting boundaries, they are more likely to become overwhelmed. According to a Gallup survey, 76% of workers at least occasionally feel burnout at work. There may occasionally be one or more noticeable issues at work. Employees occasionally struggle with their mental health or have skill gaps that could lead to unsatisfying employment.

  • Difficulty With Not Being Recognized.

You can feel like giving up if you frequently go above and above yet are not appreciated.

Think about the following: Do other workers go above and beyond? What occurs if they do? Does the management appreciate their work?

  • Purpose

Do you feel like your work is helping you to accomplish your goals when you first wake up in the morning? Do you find significance in what you do?

  • Being Unenthusiastic About Your Job.

If you are not enthused about your job, it may be time to think about whether there is a problem with your workplace or whether your hobbies and skills are not a match for the position. If someone wants to stop, there are frequently several circumstances involved.

  • Knowledge

What do you have knowledge and interest in? Does your work support that?

  • Location

Do you currently reside where you want to? Do you wish to shorten a commute that is unusually long?

How Can I Tell If I Want To Quit My Job?

The best way to determine if you genuinely want to quit your work is to consider the kind of life you desire for yourself and consider how well your current position fits into that picture.

A smart way to take a step back and consider major decisions, like whether we want to quit our professions, is to be purposeful about what we want and carefully consider whether our professional and personal lives are in line with that.

Signs You Should Immediately Quit Your Job

Here are some reasons why you ought to make the shift if you’ve ever fantasized about starting your own business or getting a superior job. Some people leave their jobs to make more money elsewhere. Others left their employment in search of greater opportunities.

I Feel Like Quitting My Job Everyday

And other people leave a job to launch their own business, which is the finest motive in my opinion. (Remember that there are strong arguments in favor of keeping your full-time work for as much as you can while you launch your startup, which is at least at the moment simple given that you can create a business in just a few hours.)

But aside from the major one, there are a variety of additional reasons to leave your employment.

  • Your Suggestions Are Ignored Entirely.

Everybody has concepts. And everyone appreciates it when their suggestions are heeded and put into practice. The sense of having made a unique contribution is very fulfilling. But when your employer rejects or even mocks your ideas, it’s not only rude; it’s also demoralizing. You eventually cease caring, too. Life is too brief to not give a rip.

  • You Experience A Lack Of Purpose.

Everyone wants a sense of belonging to something greater. Everyone wants to believe that they have an impact on other people’s lives as well as on results. Life is too short to feel like you’ve worked all day but done nothing significant at the end of the day.

  • Your Boss Is The One Who Manages Your Boss.

That kind of person you know spends all of her time “chasing” her boss despite being a leader who should be focusing on her direct reports. Your sole responsibility appears to be to enhance your boss’s career and bring about more glory for him or her. A great leader is aware that success for her team and each member will lead to success for her personally. The time you spend advancing your boss’ career at the risk of your own is too valuable to be wasted.

  • You Receive Public Criticism.

We could all use some helpful criticism. We all require a little prodding. Everyone needs to be informed about when and how to do something better.

But such details must be shared with us in confidence.  Life is too short to spend it passively anticipating the next opportunity you’ll be judged and possibly even humiliated in public.

  • You’re Not The Least Bit Excited To Start Work.

Every job has drawbacks. However, any profession ought to occasionally be enjoyable. or thrilling situations. or trying circumstances. Or something that makes you feel like, “I’m eager to accomplish that.” Life is too brief to spend solely anticipating quitting.

  • Nobody Believes What You Do.

Numerous businesses have been founded by two or more persons who previously worked together and discovered their complementary skill sets and their desire to forge a new future as a team. One of the favorite features you can do if you want to start your own business is to work for a large corporation first since it provides a risk-free setting where you may meet potential partners and co-founders. At least a couple of the dozen businesses you choose at random will have been created by aspiring business owners who first met while working together before starting an excellent enterprise together. Engaging with individuals who do not share your goals, aspirations, or ambitions is a waste of time since life is too short.

  • You Are Certain That Nothing Else Can Be Done.

The best justification for leaving your work is that. You might be thinking, “I make too much at my present workplace; I’ll probably find something equivalent,” and I understand that thought. You could also say, “There aren’t any jobs here.” It is also possible to say, “I’ve spent too much time in this business (or career, or industry).” I don’t have the skills to start my firm, for example. If you allow them to be true, all of those things are real.

You have other options. There are many “other” options available to you. You only need to have faith and confidence that your imagination, tenacity, and hard work will lead you to new, better, and more rewarding areas. Every year, thousands of people launch their enterprises. You and they only vary in one way, right? They chose to take a gamble. They chose to stake their interests. They concluded that life is too short to simply remain where one is instead of making every effort to live a better life.

  • You Do Not Foresee The Future.

Every work should result in something, ideally a promotion, but in the absence of one, the chance to take on new duties, develop new skills, and face fresh problems. The possibility exists that tomorrow will be better than today. A good boss tries to enhance the future of the business. Even while it may mean that some of those colleagues probably move on to greater and better things, a smart boss seeks to improve the prospects of her staff members as well. To live without hope would be a waste of time.

  • You Feel Anonymous.

Everyone may be replaced. In the end, everyone works for a salary. People do, however, demand more from their jobs than just a paycheck. In addition to wanting to collaborate with individuals they regard and admire, they also desire reciprocal respect and admiration. You are only a cog in a larger machine if your employer doesn’t occasionally pause for a brief family conversation, a casual chat to see if you need any help, or just to offer a kind word.

  • No One Ever Says “Thanks” To You.

Everybody wants to be praised. We all need to be aware of our accomplishments (and everyone, even a poor performer, does some things well). Life is too brief to not be appreciated for your accomplishments.

  • You’re Sick Of Being Limited In The Future.

Working for a wage limits your ability to earn more money, regardless of how well you do. If you work for someone else, you may only be paid what they determine your “value” to be. If you work for yourself, your earning potential is only constrained by your talent, inventiveness, and determination.

Even though money isn’t everything if you have to work, wouldn’t you want your efforts to be as successful as possible? Life is too short to let other people decide how you will be financially. Find out what you are truly worth, both in monetary and in terms of your capacity to influence other people’s lives.

How Do I Proceed If I Feel Like Quitting My Job?

There are a few things you should do if you’re considering leaving your job before taking the plunge and giving your two weeks’ notice:

  • Identify the Situation

Try to ascertain the cause of your need to give up as your initial step. The following inquiries could be useful:

  • How do you feel about your manager?
  • How well do you get along with the people you work with?
  • How enthusiastic are you about your job?
  • Do your values match the company’s mission?
  • At work, do you feel appreciated?
  • How much are you invested?
  • Do you have enough or too much work?
  • Are you being paid fairly considering your qualifications and field?

To successfully execute tasks and add value, one must be able to interact with colleagues, clients, and administration. It is similar to attending lessons in this way. The first thing to focus on is if you are having trouble performing the fundamentals of the job. You won’t most likely behave differently at a different work if that problem continues.

  • A Better Situation Should Be Negotiated

Identifying whether you can make improvements in your existing position is the next stage. Can you enhance the aspect of employment that isn’t in line with the life you want to create for yourself, that is what I’m trying to say.

Let’s use workplace conditions as an example. They may be the cause of your dissatisfaction with your employment. Perhaps the tight hours you must put in at specific times of the year are part of your employment. You might be capable of negotiating a better position for you that will make you more satisfied at work if you’re a solid employee that the firm wants to keep.

  • Examine External Issues In The Workplace

If a problem cannot be solved very fast in some cases, resigning could be necessary right away. Examples include racial abuse, hazardous working conditions, and sexual harassment. There are no “skills” that can be developed in these situations; rather, the emphasis should shift to how you may safely leave one environment for another.

  • Seek Out A New Job

It’s time for you to start looking for a new job if you believe you have a solid grasp of the reason you feel like resigning and the underlying issue is something you are unable to modify or negotiate. The fact of the matter is that your work occupies such a large portion of your life, and you just cannot afford to be unhappy at work.

Additionally, I believe it’s almost always preferable to hold onto your existing position while looking for a new one. I believe that having a job makes it less difficult to get another one and less stressful financially for you and your family.

  • Deal With Any Performance Issues

Typical performance problems include:

  • poor communication with the immediate supervisor (the most common issue)
  • strained interactions with coworkers
  • dislike for the actual work (boredom, lack of challenge, etc).
  • lack of career advancement (respect, promotion, pay, responsibility, etc).

When someone thinks about leaving their employment, they frequently do not inquire how to solve the issue but rather whether leaving the troublesome circumstance is the best course of action.

  • Fix Style Inconsistencies

The most frequent difficulty, issues with a direct supervisor, will now be discussed. Skills in collaboration and communication are essential in this situation. When a worker struggles with a direct superior and other shortcomings in the job are not the problem, the two are typically misunderstood or there is a personality or working-style mismatch between the employer and worker.


It can be difficult to rise from bed and tackle yet another workday if you constantly think, “I feel like quitting my job every day.”

It’s critical to identify the underlying issues that are motivating the consideration of leaving before determining if they can be addressed. When changing occupations, it is often advised to “Never run out of something, run towards something.” Instead of switching employment simply to avoid something bad, it is preferable to do so because something greater has been actively located. There is a good possibility that the following situation will be the same or worse if there isn’t a better next option.

Thoughtful consideration and study, however, might help you comprehend why you feel like quitting every day and seeking to locate a job that better suits the life you’re attempting to create for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  • Is It Normal To Always Want To Quit Your Job?

Wanting to leave your job is a typical desire. Many more people than ever before are leaving their employment in search of greater chances. At least one in four people left their jobs in 2021, and analysts have cause to think that the figure may increase going forward.

  • Why Do I Always Think Of Quitting My Job?

So why do individuals quit their jobs? According to research, inadequate income, a lack of prospects for growth, and a sense of contempt at work are among the most common causes of resignation. Perhaps you’re searching for a more meaningful career, better pay or benefits, or a healthier work-life balance.

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