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15 Ways On How To Expose A Narcissistic Boss

How To Expose A Narcissistic Boss


Many people are unsure of how to expose a narcissistic boss in the workplace as work environments have evolved into fertile grounds for narcissistic behavior. The fact that narcissistic conduct is frequently praised in our culture today is one reason why narcissism is growing more and more prevalent. We live in a world where acquiring wealth, power, and superiority over others is promoted.

Narcissists are not only intrigued with victimization. They could even claim credit for work that was completed by others. It will be difficult to expose a narcissist. Never forget that narcissists are always right. They have little regard for other people and exhibit no remorse.

So, you must have courage if you’re serious about knowing how to expose a narcissist boss. Speak frankly and without hedging. Narcissists relish having the upper hand. You must therefore be capable of protecting yourself and demonstrate your lack of fear to them.

Continue reading to learn more about this.

Who Is A Narcissist?

An exceedingly self-centered individual who doesn’t care about anyone yet seeks attention is referred to as a narcissist. Narcissists are exclusively interested in and proud of themselves. They are therefore in love with their exaggerated self-image, which helps them avoid feeling insecure.

Narcissists are egocentric, haughty, and unempathetic. Thus, they don’t take other people into account and instead have an unhealthy demand for adoration.

Why Do People Develop Narcissistic Behavior?

People’s early life experiences can contribute to their becoming narcissists. A youngster who experiences abuse, neglect, or harsh criticism as a child may become traumatized and seek coping mechanisms.

On the other hand, giving a child too much attention can result in this. When you give most kids their way all the time, you might be breeding narcissists.

It is frequently brought on by hereditary factors. In this situation, one sibling may experience the disease whereas a different sibling who grew up in the same home will not. One such genetic element is the child’s temperament.

Children typically have a blended view as they grow. One of these is the capacity to believe one is both wrong and right. He has a realistic image of himself. Narcissists do not acquire this skill. Consequently, they have a damaged self-image. The fact that they achieve their goals is all that matters.

They are unable to recognize others as distinct people with their wants, desires, and feelings. Instead, they view people as things that they may use to satisfy their own needs.

Healthy vs Pathological Narcissism In the Workplace

It’s crucial to make sure you understand precisely what narcissism is before attempting to expose a narcissist boss at work. Narcissistic personality disorder is described as a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, demand for admiration, and lack of empathy in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).

Narcissism falls under the category of abusive behavior. The vast majority of knowledge about narcissism is focused on one specific kind of narcissist, the grandiose narcissist. You’re most likely to encounter these types of entitled, haughty, attractive, captivating, and intelligent narcissists, particularly in a job setting.

While there are numerous varieties of narcissists, their personality features are generally the same, with sensitive narcissists—who frequently come across as unhappy and fragile—being one of the outliers.

We might act as though we live in a society where being competitive is not important for both survival and the fulfillment of our ambitions and dreams, but that is not how things work.

Therefore, it’s crucial to know the difference between pathological and healthy narcissism.

The exact opposite of that is pathological narcissism. Lacking empathy and being astonishingly envious, controlling, irrational, manipulative, and materialistic people, pathological narcissists have no idea of boundaries at all.

Therefore, it’s crucial to know the difference between an individual who is manipulative, cruel, and nasty and an individual who is competitive, hard-headed, and dominant.

To put it another way, just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t necessarily indicate they’re a narcissist.

Healthy Narcissism Pathological Narcissism
Possessing self-assurance, self-love, and independence are qualities of healthy narcissism. It denotes the ability to make one’s own decisions and feel at ease in one’s skin. A person who exhibits healthy narcissism is nevertheless able to empathize with others and express their emotions. The person benefits from their narcissism in that it enables them to advance meaningfully and build strong relationships with others.When the narcissist’s behaviors cause harm to other people, pathological narcissism is present. This is extreme grandiosity and self-love to the extent that others don’t matter at all. In actuality, everyone else was only perceived as a self-extension. Those in a narcissist’s close circle must always project perfection because they support the narcissist’s self-image rather than being an independent entity.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) patients are unable to have any empathy for other people. They prey on those who are wholly un-narcissistic and do not share the same emotions as those who have healthy narcissism. The narcissist sees codependent people as the ideal fit since they are unconcerned with their own needs and are more willing to cater to those with NPD.Pathological narcissists control their victims through deceit and manipulation. There is a requirement to carry out these actions on a healthy level. People who consider themselves “normal,” think that people’s varied perspectives or worldviews are normal. Although they may be attracted to people who share their thoughts, morals, or values, they do not work diligently to influence others’ beliefs to conform them to their own. Variations are permissible. For persons with NPD, they are wholly unacceptable.

How To Expose A Narcissist Boss In The Workplace

Remember that you’re not dealing with a good or sane individual before you confront a narcissist at work. Therefore, it requires guts to reveal them.

How To Expose A Narcissistic Boss

Bringing harmful habits to light is the best approach to exposing a narcissist. Narcissists persuade people to side with them against someone they believe is working against them. You must thus assist these people in accepting themselves as they are.

Know the specifics of discussions or encounters. Then bring it up in large group sessions with clarity and composure. As a result, people will be able to see reality. It may cause the narcissist to act out in front of others.

But you need to be ready since narcissists can make up any number of lies to mask their true nature. But the lies will be refuted by your facts. You can also choose to keep quiet throughout his vicious retaliation. He’ll reveal himself to the public.

Exposing them in public, though, can cause them to quit their job. That is a result of their sense of great status.

  • Learn for Yourself

If you have a narcissist boss, the first thing you should do is educate yourself about what you’re dealing with. When trauma causes a youngster to lose their sense of self, narcissism develops.

Narcissist is dependent on other people to maintain their self-esteem because they lack a strong sense of self that would allow them to do it. They have developed a magnificent notion of self, but they are constantly afraid of being seen as the imperfect person they are.

For their subordinates, as you can undoubtedly imagine, this is a nightmare. Your job may become very toxic if your employer is narcissistic, but you do possess rights. You are not required to put up with an unpleasant workplace.

  • Document Everything

You must keep detailed records of all interactions with your narcissist boss. Every interaction they engage with you or another employee should be recorded. It’s crucial to remember the occasion, the circumstances, everyone who was there, and of obviously, what transpired.

It’s crucial to have notes from the moment that describe what happened if you plan to file any sort of complaint against a coworker. You should be as specific as possible about the situation, what was stated or done, and your feelings.

  • Get Written Instructions

If you need to report something to your human resources department or their superior, it is imperative to get your narcissistic boss’s directions for tasks in writing. If you receive instructions verbally, you can acquire written confirmation by emailing your manager and requesting further details.

Archive those emails for reference in the future, please. You will have proof if there is any doubt about what your boss told you to do. It will be crucial in establishing your trustworthiness.

You can ask a colleague to accompany you to gain clarification on the instructions if you are unable to get an email with instructions for whatever reason. They can provide evidence of what your boss would say.

  • Have Witnesses Of Your Interactions

It will be beneficial to have witnesses present whenever you deal with your narcissistic boss. Narcissists frequently lose their composure, say one thing, then change their minds, and obviously, they will hold you responsible for any issues.

It helps to have a witness who can witness how you were handled because that’s when they might reveal their genuine selves. While a manager is entitled to point out your errors, they are not entitled to do so in an aggressive way.

Witnesses might support the employee abuse that your supervisor commits. Your supervisor is likely addressing other employees the same way if they are treating you in that manner. The more individuals who can witness their terrible behavior, the stronger your case will be.

  • Keep An Eye Out For Enablers And Flying Monkeys

The folks who assist your narcissistic boss’s actions are similar to those who support a personal connection. Some people are by nature codependents. They were taught to be people, and pleasers to live because they were raised in a family where their needs were devalued.

They work even harder to win over the abuser when they are faced with it. It hardly matters if the abuse takes place at home or work. It’s crucial to understand that these individuals are the enablers and that they are not likely to speak against such an abusive boss.

  • Document Meetings

You should try to get a recording of any meetings you have with your boss. You can claim that it aids you to retain specifics of what was stated so you can execute your work more effectively. If your narcissist boss permits this, it will give you proof of any directions you may have received as well as how your boss and their staff interacted.

If your supervisor won’t let you record the meeting, be careful to take thorough notes and, if you can, get him or her to sign them appropriately. Many businesses employ a meeting note-taker, who subsequently sends the notes out for review and confirmation.

  • Keep a Dated Log of Your Ideas

Your egotistical boss will take credit for your suggestions. Even if it’s unprofessional, this could hurt your career. Your career may quickly stall as they inform their bosses that they thought of your great concept.

For this reason, you should keep a dated log of your ideas and recommendations. To achieve this, sending such suggestions via email is a smart idea. Send a detailed email detailing your concept to your narcissistic employer and any other coworkers you are working with.

  • Put Your Evidence Together

It’s time to compile all of the evidence you’ve obtained after you’ve taken the time to record conversations, speak with anyone you believe to be a trustworthy witness, and recorded your thoughts and your narcissistic boss’s abusive behavior. This will enable you to provide a logical, cogent, and well-supported chain of incidents and improper conduct that led to a hostile work environment for you and your fellow employees.

Organizing your evidence into logical categories can be useful. You may accomplish this by assembling everything into a timeline of the occasions when these exchanges and events took place. You might also arrange everything according to the many forms of abuse.

  • Avoid Exposing Your Hand

This is quite significant. If a narcissistic boss learns about your actions before you have the chance to defend yourself, they will speak up first and present you as a difficult worker.

They will start complaining about you to their bosses. They will simply perceive you as an unhappy employee when you go to file your complaint. You must not let any individual who may inform your boss of your actions, for this reason.

This entails avoiding both the enablers and the flying monkeys. You should keep your cards close to your chest around anyone at work since you never know what other workers might say to your supervisor.

  • Obtain Confirmation From Your Cooperative Coworkers

Your case will be stronger the more support you can gather from encouraging coworkers. Just beware of the enablers and flying monkeys mentioned previously. You might even invite your employees to join you in the complaint if you are confident in their loyalty.

The greater the number of people willing to criticize your narcissistic boss’s inappropriate behavior, the greater the likelihood that your plan will be successful. It’s important to keep in mind that narcissists can be extremely charming when necessary.

  • Get Legal Counsel

This is a crucial thing to think about. You might wish to speak with a lawyer that specializes in this area of law before you compromise your profession or a career that you need. You certainly have legal rights, and they can help you decide how to file a complaint in the best possible way.

They might be able to go with you when you present your case as well. That could demonstrate to your employer just how problematic your narcissistic boss has grown to be. One person making claims might not be enough to get them to defend your rights, but one employee who has proof and legal counsel will probably get their attention.

  • Present Your Case

The time has come to present your evidence to either your human resources department or the relevant supervisors after you have gathered your evidence, arranged it logically, noted any prospective witnesses, and sought legal advice.

You don’t want to make your point in an overly forceful or vengeful way. You should maintain your composure and make a direct statement about the kinds of actions that have made your workplace unfriendly to you.

  • Keep Your Cool

This is a crucial point. You must conduct yourself professionally at all times, regardless of how your case is resolved. You shouldn’t brag or even act unduly thrilled if you succeed and your narcissistic boss gets fired or demoted, which only happens in around 5% of situations.

You will need to maintain your professionalism to help with the next steps if your case is rejected. You might need to be permanently transferred to a different department, or you might need to think about looking for work elsewhere.


Finding out their manipulation techniques is the key to understanding how to expose a narcissist boss. They claim ownership of ideas or work that they did not create. They also attribute blame for errors to others. You can expose them by doing research, waiting while gathering proof, and enlisting help.

You must be certain that the person is a narcissist before you expose them at work. Never prejudge someone to be a narcissist. Additionally, exercise caution in your approach to avoid suffering harm.

If you know how to get along with narcissists at work, you can have an advantage. So that you can create limits to safeguard yourself even when you are unable to expose them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When They Are Unable To Dominate You, How Does A Narcissist Respond?

  • Finally, narcissists use both good and negative feelings or circumstances to deceive others. They weaken and destabilize their victims by gaslighting or engaging in master manipulation. A narcissist who loses control of you is likely to feel frightened, become angry, and possibly even start threatening you.

What Happens If A Narcissist Discovers That You Recognized Them?

  • A narcissist will never accept the truth, even when it is right in front of them, when they are exposed or when they know you have figured them out. A narcissist will make some false allegations to prove his innocence. They’ll misinterpret all of your intentions and say things that you didn’t express.

You can also read, “10 Ways On How To Get A Narcissistic Boss Fired

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