10 Ways On How To Get A Narcissistic Boss Fired

How To Get A Narcissistic Boss Fired


Have you been wondering on how to get a narcissistic boss fired? Any industrious employee’s worst nightmare is having a narcissistic employer, and you would be looking for ways to get a narcissistic boss fired. But just because narcissists always seemed to radiate confidence, which frequently leads to promotions, it’s not that unusual. Additionally, they frequently put a lot of effort into advancing to leadership positions because their reputation is so significant to them. Although they aren’t good bosses, you may be wondering what you should do if you are forced to work for one.

A narcissistic boss must have their manipulation techniques exposed to be exposed. They claim ownership of ideas or work that they did not create. They also attribute blame for errors to others. You can get a narcissistic boss fired by doing research, waiting while gathering proof and seeking help.

The Narcissistic Personality Disorder: What Is It?

According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a narcissistic personality disorder is a Cluster B personality disorder. Empathy is absent in those with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). They desire excessive adulation and attention because they feel superior. They are abusive and manipulative and have inflated egos and a sense of entitlement.

You’ve probably encountered a Narc if you’ve ever been the target of a smear campaign. NPD is a psychological disorder that responds poorly to therapy. According to studies, 6% of the general population is thought to be affected by this mental illness, and between 50% and 75% of those with narcissistic personality disorder are men. (I’ll refer to the Narc as male for simplicity, but I recognize that it might just as easily be a female.) It’s also noteworthy that we all exhibit narcissistic features to varying degrees. However, a real or pathological narcissist exhibits a set of behaviors, and if you are aware of the psychology involved, you can learn to identify them very quickly.

Narcissists typically fall into one of two categories: overt or covert. An overt narc is typically a braggart (think flashy car, flashy house or apartment, designer suits and jewelry, lavish parties, expensive holidays, etc). If they don’t have these luxuries or aren’t financially secure, they’ll undoubtedly act as they do. Additionally, they tend to mention others by name and buy drinks for their pals (they come off as very kind and eager to pay for people’s refreshments when out socializing as a tactic to impress and acquire trust).

The Covert Narc, on the other hand, will come across as more modest and a “do-gooder” in the neighborhood (think church-goer, charity fund-raiser, local doctor, school sports team coach, etc). The Covert Narc is also quite skilled at winning your sympathy; frequently, they present themselves as victims right away. Both of these people are dangerous, controlling, and manipulative.

Effective Techniques for Handling Your Narcissistic Boss

Almost everyone has either had a narcissistic boss or has had some exposure to one. Being around an individual who is blatantly self-admiring, self-absorbed, self-obsessed, and self-centered, someone who works hard only when others are looking, who is ready to claim praise and apportion blame an unforgettable experience.

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A narcissistic boss spends so much time fantasizing about attaining success, status, and prestige. As a result, people have the propensity to mislead and embellish the facts to feel superior.

The biggest issue with a narcissistic employer, though, is that they never believe they are the issue. When anything goes wrong, they might have go-to scapegoats or they might choose employees who seem to be chosen at random.

You essentially have two options when working with a narcissistic boss: quit and find another job or stay and put up with them. And if you stay, the only way to handle it is to alter yourself and how you react, not try to change your boss.

Here are some strategies to cope with and prevent fueling narcissistic behavior:

  • Recognize The Source.

You must understand your narcissistic boss if you want to get along with them. It’s extremely likely that they won’t ever change and that working with them won’t ever be simple. The explanation that has circulated under names like “The Narcissist’s Prayer” succinctly captures it:

  • That did not occur.
  • And even then, it wasn’t too horrible.
  • And even then, it wouldn’t be a big problem.
  • That’s not my fault if that’s the case.
  • If it was, I didn’t intend it, either.
  • And should I…
  • You merited it.
  • Don’t Just React; Respond.

Focusing emphasis on a narcissist’s negative behavior is the most detrimental thing you could do because they love attention. Instead, develop effective response skills that keep you in charge of your options and decisions. If you notice yourself responding, take a step back and restore control.

  • Keep The Beast Unfed.

A narcissistic boss is constantly looking for praise from others. Don’t feed the beast, therefore. It’s important to realize that negative behavior often results from insecurity and that your narcissistic boss’s outbursts reflect their level of insecurity. But it’s equally crucial to keep in mind that poor conduct only gets worse if you feed it. Narcissists only associate with two types of individuals: those who support them and those who keep their mouths shut. Anyone who doesn’t fall into either of these two groups will undoubtedly be fired or expelled, and, if the narcissist gets their way, will be persuaded that it was their fault.

  • Establish Distinct Limits.

Wherever you require one, establish a strict limit and adhere to it. Keep in mind that limits are there to help you determine what constitutes and doesn’t constitute appropriate behavior on your part, not to control others. Boundaries are a vital, healthy, and frequently necessary component of self-care.

  • Avoid Arguing.

Arguments with narcissists should be avoided at all costs since everything you say and do will be used against you. Make them invisible instead of arguing or engaging with them; this is what a narcissist wants. The most you can do is take away their influence by rendering them invisible and unimportant to avoid engaging in an argument with someone willing to twist the truth to further their own goal.

  • Allowing Them To Bother You Is Not A Good Idea.

Narcissists enjoy provoking others, especially those whom they perceive to be superior to them. You don’t have to let any of it hurt you; they will goad you, disgrace you, call you out, ridicule you, and humiliate you. To control your ideas and behaviors, use emotional intelligence. Additionally, keep in mind that any unkind actions or comments reflect poorly on the narcissist, not you.

  • Verify Every Information.

A narcissist will constantly present themselves as a helpless victim who is completely blameless. They are quick to substitute half-truths and lies for the truth when it offends them, which happens frequently. Be prepared to check in frequently if your employer has narcissistic tendencies.

  • Don’t Be Provoked. 

Narcissists enjoy inciting people to fight and then blame the other person for starting it. Remain calm and detached and resist being carried up in the dysfunctional wave. Understanding they’ve discovered a way to make it all your responsibility is the alternative. Don’t let someone provoke or manipulate you.

  • Never give people who don’t deserve it power.

By nature of their position, your narcissistic boss has some authority, but we all know that leaders cannot exist without followers. Refrain from following those who you don’t respect, who you don’t believe, or who lie. Simply carry out your duties to the best of your knowledge and with honesty, respect, and honor. Once you do, you’ll become recognized as one of the sensible people, possibly the only one.

  • Keep Your Attention On What Matters.

When you have a narcissistic boss, you feel pressure to follow their standards and have everything revolve around them, without anyone to hold them accountable or take responsibility for when things go wrong. It’s simple to become enraged and annoyed. At that point, you need to take a break and rediscover why you are there.

It will never be simple to collaborate with a narcissist. When you can’t walk away, keep in mind that you’re at least learning vital skills for dealing with one of the most challenging people you’re ever going to meet. Walking away is frequently the wisest course of action.

How To Get A Narcissists Boss Fired

You put a lot of effort into your work and want to be appreciated for it, but a narcissistic boss makes it unlikely that will happen. You may have no choice but to learn how to get a narcissistic boss fired if you don’t find another job or get transferred to another department.

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Let’s discuss your alternatives and how to get a narcissist boss fired without coming across as workplace gossip.

  • Learn for Yourself

If you have a narcissist boss, the first thing you should do is educate yourself about what you’re dealing with. When trauma causes a youngster to lose their sense of self, narcissism develops.

Narcissist is dependent on other people to maintain their self-esteem because they lack a good personality that would allow them to do it. They have developed a magnificent loss of self, but they are constantly afraid of being seen as the imperfect person they are.

  • Record Everything

You must keep detailed records of all interactions with your narcissist boss. Every interaction they have with you or another employee should be recorded. It’s crucial to remember the occasion, the circumstances, everyone who was there, and obviously, whatever transpired.

It’s crucial to have notes from the moment that describe what happened if you plan to file any sort of complaint against a coworker. You should be as specific as possible about the situation, what was stated or done, and your feelings.

  • Get Written Instructions

If you need to report your narcissistic boss’s failure to complete a task in writing to your HR department or their superior, do it immediately. If someone gives you instructions over the phone, you can request written confirmation by emailing your employer and asking for more details.

You could say, “You told me to work on a new task, but I wanted to get your advice on exactly how you’d like me to do it. I value the assistance you will give me. When your narcissistic boss responds, you’ll know exactly what they require of you in writing because you’re playing to their ego. A fantastic technique to identify a problem without raising doubts is to ask for help.

  • Have Witnesses Of Your Interactions

It will be beneficial to have witnesses present whenever you deal with your narcissistic boss. Narcissists frequently lose their composure, say one thing, then change their minds, and of course, they will hold you responsible for any issues.

It helps to have a witness who can testify to how you were handled because this is when they may reveal their genuine selves. While a manager is entitled to point out your errors, they are not entitled to do so in an aggressive way.

It’s critical to keep in mind that companies are primarily focused on their bottom line, and if your narcissistic employer is contributing to that, they will be reluctant to fire them.

  • Keep An Eye Out For Enablers And Flying Monkeys

The folks who assist your narcissistic boss’s actions are similar to those who support a personal connection. Some people are by nature codependents. They were taught to be people, and pleasers to live because they were raised in a family where their needs were devalued.

They work even harder to win over the abuser when they are faced with it. It hardly matters if the abuse takes place at home or work. It’s crucial to understand that these individuals are the enablers and that they are not likely to speak out against your abusive boss.

It’s critical to recognize these folks so that you don’t fall into the trap of thinking that they will confirm your version of what happened or reveal the truth. They probably won’t do that.

  • Document Meetings

You should try to get a recording of any meetings you have had with your boss. You can say that it helps you retain specifics of what was stated so you can execute your work more effectively. If your narcissistic boss permits this, it will give you proof of any directions you may have received as well as how your boss and their staff interacted.

They serve as proof of both the directives you received and any recommendations or wise counsel you may have offered during one of these meetings. When you go to present your case to your superiors or the human resources division, that can be helpful.

  • Keep a Dated Log of Your Thoughts

Your narcissist boss will take credit for your suggestions. Even if it’s unprofessional, this could hurt your career. Your career may quickly stall as they inform their supervisors that they thought of your great concept.

For this reason, you should keep a dated log of your thoughts and recommendations. To achieve this, sending such suggestions via email is a smart idea. Send a detailed email detailing your concept to your narcissistic employer and any other coworkers you are working with.

  • Put Your Evidence Together

It’s time to compile all of the evidence you’ve obtained after you’ve taken the time to record conversations, speak with anyone you believe to be a trustworthy eyewitness, and recorded your thoughts and your narcissistic boss’s abusive behavior. This will enable you to provide a logical, cogent, and well-supported chain of incidents and improper conduct that led to a hostile work environment for both you and your fellow employees.

Organizing your evidence into logical categories can be useful. You may accomplish this by assembling everything into a timeline of the occasions when these exchanges and events took place. You might also arrange everything according to the many forms of abuse.

  • Avoid Exposing Yourself

This is quite vital. If a narcissistic boss learns about your actions before you have the chance to defend yourself, they will speak up first and present you as a difficult worker.

They will start complaining about you to their bosses. They will simply perceive you as an unhappy employee when you go to file your complaint. You must not let anybody who may inform your boss of your actions, for this reason.

  • Seek Consent From Your Cooperative Coworkers

Your case will be stronger the more support you can gather from encouraging coworkers. Just beware of the enablers and flying monkeys mentioned previously. You might even invite your employees to join you in the complaint if you are confident in their loyalty.

The greater the number of people willing to criticize your narcissistic boss’s inappropriate behavior, the greater the likelihood that your plan will be successful. It’s important to keep in mind that narcissists can be extremely charming when necessary.

  • Keep Your Cool

This is a crucial point. You must conduct yourself professionally at all times, regardless of how your case is resolved. You shouldn’t brag or even act unduly thrilled if you succeed and your narcissistic boss gets fired or demoted, which only happens in around 5% of situations.

You will need to maintain your professionalism to help with the next steps if your case is rejected. You might need to be permanently transferred to a different department, or you might need to think about looking for work elsewhere.


The most unpleasant boss you can have is one who is narcissistic because they constantly make you want to know how to get your narcissist boss fired. They’ll steal your ideas, hold you accountable for their errors, and they could regularly lose their cool. Considering that they can be appealing when they want to be and that they can be effective in their jobs, it might be challenging to change them. Additionally, they will exploit your feelings to portray you as an irrational, angry worker.

You may not know how to get your narcissist boss fired, but you can stop them from utilizing your emotional triggers to make you seem irrational.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Might A Narcissist Boss Be Exposed?

Asking, “Is there a motive you’re asking me that question?” is an effective method for identifying a narcissistic boss. A narcissistic boss excels at rhetorical, patronizing inquiries.

What Irritates A Narcissistic Boss?

You may always be in charge of your future when you don’t rely on anybody else for money and utilize your wealth to take care of yourself rather than predators. This is power, and because it makes it harder for them to effortlessly dominate a victim, psychotically envious narcissists are frequently put off by it.

You can also read, “10 Ways Of Resigning From A Narcissistic Boss

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