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The Easiest Pre-Med Major

The Easiest Pre-Med Major


The easiest pre-med major is one that you take to meet the requirements for medical school. The course’s focus could be on the humanities, arts, or sciences. There are many different majors that a student can choose from, but some majors like biology and chemistry work better than others. Not every major needs to be challenging; some are simpler than others and offer a route that can help you gain a more comprehensive college education.

There are other sciences outside biology, chemistry, and others that can help you get into medical school. You can choose more approachable subjects if you want to pursue another degree to apply to medical schools. 

There are several majors you can choose from that will help you get into medical school.

What’s The Easiest Pre-Med Major? 

The easiest pre-med major is one you can work hard at while enjoying to achieve a high GPA. It also helps if you’re passionate about your major. As a result, you’ll spend more time studying well and improve your chances of receiving good scores.

The first thing the admissions committees consider is your GPA for medical school.

Here are some actual subject suggestions from pre-med students that keep showing up as “easier” possibilities in my research:

  • Public Health

Particularly because many of the pre-med courses you’re required to take before applying to medical school have strong relevance to public health. Many students claim that achieving A’s in this subject was simple.

  • Psychology

Though regarded as simple yet fascinating life science, it appears to compare more favorably to the more challenging physical science courses (such as physics, etc.), which can be notoriously difficult to perform well in. You will benefit from choosing this major later on in medical school. It’s one of the foundational courses in an MBBS program.

  • Liberal Arts

 Majoring in courses like English, Sociology, and Fine Art can be enjoyable and inspire you to work hard in class. You can major in anything as long as you complete the necessary pre-med courses in addition to it.

Pre-med students can easily earn degrees in the liberal arts. Students should keep in mind the prerequisite courses for medical school for the medical program they intend to apply to in the future. The majority of the prerequisite courses for a liberal arts major won’t be offered, thus a student will need to take some of them independently. To learn more, you can speak with an advisor or enquire at the medical school.

  • Humanities

The study of humanity is known as humanities, and it covers fields like linguistics, anthropology, law, philosophy, history, and religion. Humanities aid in developing your empathy and understanding of others, just like the liberal arts do. A patient is more than just their symptoms; to make a diagnosis, you must establish a rapport with them and learn about their surroundings.

Be aware that a humanities course might not satisfy all of your pre-med requirements. To 

find out what you need to add, talk to an advisor, and your desired medical school.

  • Biological Sciences

Biology is the study of living things on all scales, from the smallest to the largest. Biology studies living things, including people, plants, microorganisms, and animals, as well as their surroundings. The majority of students choose this pre-medical concentration. A biology degree is chosen by nearly half of all approved medical school applicants.

Its popularity can be attributed to the topic content, which is relevant to the studies you will be doing in medical school. The majority of the science pre-med qualifications you need for applications may also be covered by the course.

  • Social science

The study of communities and the connections they make is known as social science. It provides students with an understanding of how society functions and the connections therein. They aid kids in strengthening their social awareness and critical thinking abilities. Doctors are important members of the community whose opinions are highly valued by society; as a result, they must learn how to be responsible, active, and reflective citizens.

Problems With Choosing The Easiest Pre-Med Major

Any major “easy” judgment has a subjective nature, which is problematic.

What is easy for one student, however, could be agony for another. The decision to choose an easy major is highly individual.

Another issue is that you can’t necessarily expect to get a 4.0 in a major just because it’s been labeled as “easy.”

In the above-recommended majors, particularly in the liberal arts, much of the grading might be arbitrary and depends on the lecturer. Exams are not uniform like they are for most STEM majors.

Last but not least, medical schools are skilled at sifting through applications and determining whether a candidate has chosen the “easy way” or not.

Your choice to pursue a fairly “easy” pre-med major could work against you if your personal statement and letters of recommendation don’t stand out.

Pros And Cons For Choosing The Easiest Pre-Med Major

Pros For Choosing The Easiest Pre-Med Major

  • Increasing the amount of time available for studying for the MCAT, doing research, and taking advantage of clinical or shadowing possibilities
  • Makes life easier in general. You can engage in fascinating hobbies and extracurricular activities that can truly diversify your application for medical school. assisting you to stand out.

Cons  For Choosing The Easiest Pre-Med Major

It can be a little dangerous to look for the easiest pre-med major that would help you become a doctor.

What are the cons?

  • Selecting something you believe to be simple might bore you. You won’t be inspired to study if it is boring to you. The effect could be a drop in your GPA.
  • Selecting the easiest pre-med major could backfire on you. Medical school is a highly challenging setting. You will find the transition to medical school (or even competing in the application process) to be extremely difficult indeed if you can’t handle the challenge of undergrad or are reluctant to put in the effort.


When making pre-med plans, avoid concentrating on the easiest pre-med major that seems the simplest. Think about your areas of strength instead.

It’s essential that you love your major, so resist the urge to enroll in the pre-med program that seems the simplest. Any major is acceptable as long as you complete upper-level science courses and keep a strong GPA. Follow your interests and aspirations; they will direct you in the proper direction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I Choose An Easy Pre-Med Major?

  • My own opinion is that you should choose the option you believe will motivate you the most. The road may be different for you. Keep in mind that, statistically, the competition makes it impossible that you will attend medical school. Don’t squander your college years choosing an “easy” option for a career that doesn’t pan out or for an idea that you’ll only get bored with.

Which Pre-Med Major Has The Best Probability Of Being Accepted?

  • Which pre-med major has the best probability of being accepted? The admission rates range from 36.7% to 47.7%, as shown by the medical school acceptance rates of each main section. Physical science majors are accepted at the highest rate, whereas specialized health sciences majors are accepted at the lowest rate.

You can also read up on Common type of Scholarship if you intend applying for scholarship.

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