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11 Ways How To Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Skills

How To Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Skills


It is crucial to teach individuals how to improve mathematical problem solving skills and for them to take ownership of this skill as they master the subject. There are several reasons why problem-solving is crucial and develops into one of a person’s fundamental talents while addressing math difficulties. 

The capacity to solve problems can be utilized to offer solutions or answers to difficulties addressed more analytically so that someone can be a problem solver. Problem-solving cannot be isolated from daily living. 

To put it another way, when individuals are taught to solve problems, they will be able to make decisions because they have learned how to gather pertinent information, analyze it, and recognize the need to re-examine the outcomes that have been obtained.

Why are Mathematical Problem Solving Skills Important?

Our students must be able to think critically about complex issues because they live in a society that is heavily reliant on information and technology. They must also be able to “analyze and think logically about new situations, devise unspecified solution procedures, and communicate their solution clearly and convincingly to others.” The importance of mathematics education goes beyond the “gatekeeping role that mathematics plays in students’ access to educational and economic possibilities,” as it also prepares pupils for life after school through problem-solving skills and the acquisition of problem-solving strategies.

The idea that mathematics is essentially about reasoning, not memorizing, leads to the significance of problem-solving in math education. Instead of just recalling and using a set of instructions, problem-solving enables students to understand and articulate the steps taken to reach solutions. Students get a deeper comprehension of mathematical ideas, increase their engagement, and recognize the relevance and utility of mathematics through problem-solving. 

Mathematical problem-solving stimulates the development of:

  • The capacity for rational, analytical, and innovative thought
  • Information processing skills 
  • The capacity to order and organize 
  • Intellectual challenge enjoyment
  • The capacity to solve issues that aid in world exploration and comprehension

To show students the value of mathematics in the world around them, problem-solving should be at the core of all mathematics instruction. With the aid of this approach, students can develop, assess, and improve both their own and other people’s theories about mathematics.

How To Improve Mathematical Problem Solving Skills

The majority of people just require more time and practice to fully learn the subject; they aren’t horrible at math.

What can you do to assist your student to become more skilled at solving mathematical problems? Use our top 11 suggestions to enhance your ability to solve mathematical problems quickly and effectively.

  • Read Carefully, Comprehend, And Determine The Nature Of The Problem.

Check the nature of the problem when you first begin studying math to see if it is a word problem, a problem involving fractions, a problem involving quadratic equations, or any other form.

It is crucial to read the problem carefully and make sure you have mastered it before moving on to the next stage.

  • Be Able To Comprehend The Ideas

Although repetition and practice are beneficial, it will be challenging to advance if you don’t comprehend the concept.

Fortunately, there are several effective techniques to simplify mathematical ideas. Finding the one that works best for your child is the secret.

For students who are having trouble understanding complex mathematical concepts, arithmetic manipulatives can be a game-changer. Ideas can come to life when arithmetic is taken off the paper and placed in the student’s hands. When you count toy cars or play with blocks, numbers become less ethereal and more tangible. Learning basic math can become more understandable by creating these “sets” of objects.

  • Consider Using Games To Learn.

Repetition is crucial for arithmetic preparation, but it may quickly grow tiresome. Nobody likes having to repeatedly copy their times tables. Bring back the excitement if math class has turned into a chore!

An excellent approach to putting new ideas into practice and reinforcing prior knowledge is through game-based learning. Even better, it may add interest and enjoyment to repetition.

Game-based education can take the form of a Friday night family game night or an educational program.

  • Include Math In Your Daily Lives.

Every day, you use simple math. Help your student see the math that is there all around them as you go about your day. Determine the savings you’ll experience at your upcoming Target visit.

Determine how many apples you’ll need to purchase at the supermarket.

While baking, clarify that 6 1/4 cups of flour equals 1 cup and a half. Then, enjoy some cookies!

Show your student how math is utilized every day and connect it to something they enjoy doing. It’s not necessary for math to be enigmatic or abstract. Instead, organize tea parties or race monster trucks using math. Dissect it, dispel their apprehension, and watch their interest in arithmetic rise.

  • Put Math Into Daily Practice

Math practice is crucial. You must master the mechanics after grasping the notion. And frequently, it’s a practice that makes the idea ultimately make sense. In either case, learning arithmetic involves more than merely memorizing formulas.

It might be challenging to implement the daily practice, especially with a child who dislikes arithmetic. The above-mentioned game-based learning is ideal at this moment. Or choose a game that complements their current lesson. Are they learning about squares? Create them using the math link cubes. Avoid using worksheets and flashcards as much as you can and seek out practice elsewhere.

  • Draw Word Puzzles.

Nothing incites anxiety like an unanticipated word puzzle. A math learner who is having trouble can experience a mental breakdown when faced with words and numbers. However, things don’t have to be that way.

Many word puzzles only require step-by-step dissection. Drawing it out is a fantastic technique to accomplish this. How many does Doug have left after eating two of each after having five apples and four oranges? Draw it, discuss it, mark them off, then add up the results.

Many word problems will start to feel familiar if you’ve been walking your student through the numerous math difficulties you run into daily.

  • Set Realistic Goals.

Adding more study time will help your student catch up if they are falling behind in math. However, pressuring students to squeeze an extra hour of math into their day is unlikely to result in improved outcomes. Determine their major challenges before expecting any positive changes. Then make practical goals that solve these difficulties.

They will only become more frustrated if they practice a concept for two more hours. Even if they can solve a problem mechanically, the subsequent lesson will leave them feeling just as lost.

Try short practice sessions instead, and enlist some extra assistance. Try a different approach, talk to their teacher, or use an online math tutor. Make sure the additional time is spent on the actual issue and not merely reinforcing the notion that math is difficult and boring.

  • Create A Strategy To Address Math Problems.

To create a solution strategy, there are only four easy procedures that must be followed. The procedures are as follows:

Firstly, the formula which will be used to solve the problem must be determined. Here you need to spend some time examining the principles in your textbooks that will help you solve the problem.

  1. To get the solution to your issue, you must put your needs in writing. To do this, you must create a step-by-step list of the materials you will need to address the issue and maintain organization.
  2. Tackle the simple problem first. Sometimes the formulas used to solve both problems are redundant. 
  3. Before solving, try to estimate the solution by making an educated guess about the solution. 
  4. Review the estimate once more to make sure you didn’t forget anything.
  • Consult A Math Tutor

Look into hiring a math tutor if your student is having trouble with big-picture ideas. Because every learner processes information differently, you and your child’s teacher might be missing the “aha” moment that a little extra time and the right tutor can bring.

It’s fantastic when your student finally understands a mathematical concept.   Your student can develop math confidence with the appropriate technique, and who knows, they might even start to enjoy it.

  • Concentrate On One Concept At A Time.

Math reinforces itself. Your student cannot skip a lesson and return to it later if they are having difficulty with it at the moment. This is the moment to examine and reinforce the existing thought once more until it makes sense.

Find alternative approaches to new mathematical concepts. Utilize math tools to make numbers visible on a page. Alternatively, try a learning app with enticing prizes and encouraging feedback to promote more practice.

When frustration levels are high, take a step back, but resist the urge to just let it go. Once the idea sinks in, they’ll be eager to move forward.


Teachers need to understand how to develop students’ abilities to improve mathematical problem-solving skills as well as how these abilities grow over time and are considerably enhanced by good teaching methods. 

What teachers know and believe about mathematics and what they comprehend about mathematics teaching and learning greatly influences how they set up classroom instruction. The first step in the teacher’s job is to choose challenging problems that require students to apply their math knowledge. 

In addition to helping students develop their thinking skills, a problem-solving technique offers a framework in which they can master mathematical ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which Math Teaching Model is the Most Effective?

The “Problem-solving methodology” is therefore suggested as the best method for teaching upper primary kids math. It’s a teaching technique where students see a teacher demonstrate things and then build on their understanding through visual analysis.

How Will You Motivate Your Students To Participate In The Math Class Discussion?

Encourage students to take on a difficult assignment by offering positive feedback, plaudits, and compliments. It’s always great to see children have “aha” moments when they notice problems and understand how to solve them.

What Does Mathematical Proof And Motivation Mean?

Motivation, which is Latin for “check,” is used to ascertain the veracity of a claim or the accuracy of certain information (in for example an already given proof).

You must independently confirm the validity of the allegation to demonstrate something.

You can also read Best ways on how to improve math skills for Adults.

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