EVS Full Form

EVS Full Form

Quite a lot find it hard to understand what EVS Full form means. Surfing through the internet, Google, for instance, millions of articles and resources on EVS pops up, making it difficult to get around what you need. In this article, I will be highlighting the basics OF EVS, the EVS full form, what EVS means, career paths as well as frequently asked questions, so stay glued!

Before we fully delve in, you must understand that EVS is a course or subject that every student has been taught directly or indirectly, at their early primary stage. In fact, it is a subject included in your Science subject. So, in simple terms, you could refer to EVS as the scientific study of your immediate environment through which knowledge and specialization are gained in relative issues regarding nature and how it affects people.

What Is EVS Full Form

EVS is an acronym for Environmental Studies. It could also be referred to as Environmental Science. As we have established in the introductory paragraph, EVS is the study of your surroundings or better put, where you live. Your surroundings comprise all inhabitants that directly or indirectly enhance human survival. Apart from that, EVS as a course is used as a solution to our environmental problems and their constituent parts.

Also, EVS entails both biological and physical components of our surroundings. Not only that, but it also includes the social and cultural considerations that impact our surroundings. Invariably, EVS is a dynamic and ever-evolving field which systematically studies human interaction. Environmental Studies is quite an expansive field with numerous programs that can include bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and so on.

Now that we have a brief on EVS, understanding the full form of EVS comes next on our agenda. What does the full form of EVS mean? It is simply the structure, in all its entirety, that environmental science takes.

Why Study EVS

It is not only important that you figure out what EVS is full form, it is only complete when you understand why students are now studying EVS hereby, taking it as a career path. Listed below are some of the important reasons there is an increased demand for EVS graduates and why students are putting to study EVS as a course:

●   It aids in the exploration of global sustainability practices.
●   It aids in the comprehension of human and animal behavior in natural settings.
●   It aids in the identification of environmental impacts as well as public education on the topic.
●   It proposes methods for utilizing environmental capital without endangering the environment.
●   It helps you to educate the population about the need for environmental preservation. 

Areas/Fields of EVS

Just like every other course, EVS has a lot of courses that can be considered by aspiring professionals in the field. All the courses under EVS can be categorized into five main fields namely:

●   Ecology
●   Environmental chemistry
●   Geosciences
●   Social Sciences 
●   Atmospheric sciences

EVS Courses

Part of understanding the EVS Full Form is getting to know what course you can study as an aspiring Environmental Scientist. As highlighted above, the five major fields of EVS house a handful of courses that can be explored by students across the globe. Some of these courses include:

●   Soil ecology
●   Aquatic/Marine Biology
●   Earth systems
●   Environmental Conservation.
●   Energy and climate change
●   Water resource management
●   Pollution prevention and remediation.

Roles of an EVS Specialist

As part of understanding EVS Full Form, it is also important to understand the diversity of EVS as a course as well as the roles of an EVS specialist. Below are some of the roles of EVS specialist:

●   Environmental Regulations
●   Protected Natural Areas (PNA) Management
●   Conservation and management of biodiversity Advanced Hunting Plans Design
●   Environmental trainer and instructor
●   Management of waste
●   Bioremediation

NOTE: Some of these roles have actual specialists, across various fields who fit into each of these but an EVS specialist happens to be the face behind the presentation of solutions to environmental problems. Because an EVS specialist doubles as an environmental visionary, they take the lead in the policy-making of the environment.


Although there may be different forms of EVS, the one just presented is the most prevalent worldwide. Please leave a comment if you have any other suggestions for EVS full form.

You can also check out other OYO Full form, to be well informed.


What is EVS as a Subject?

  • Environmental Studies, sometimes known as EVS, is among the most significant courses taught in elementary schools. This subject helps kids comprehend how people function and behave in their environment.

Is EVS considered a science?

  • EVS refers to Environmental Science, which is only concerned with environmental science. The investigation of the physical, biological, behavioral, and social components of the immediate or larger environment is referred to as environmental science.

Why are People Interested in EVS?

  • Environmental science helps update you regarding climate changes, environmental degradation, resource depletion, water pollution, and the harmful impact of plastic particles on the coastal environment and ecosystems, which are not just local but also worldwide issues.

What is the EVS project?

  • The EVS initiative ‘Youth for the Environment has been augmented through volunteer work for further than ten years. This project’s goal is to help young people build the skills they’ll have to engage in environmental community outreach.

What is the distinction between EVS and SST?

  • Several fields in the social sciences and environmental science examine comparable themes but from distinct perspectives. Humans are the focus of social science, whereas Nature and natural organisms are the components of environmental science.

How Can I Study Environmental science?

  • Biology, chemistry, geology, and mathematics are all required courses for the Environmental Science major. Upper-division courses combine and integrate fundamental sciences experience and implement it in the investigation and resolution of contemporary environmental issues. Lab and field activities abound in upper-level courses.

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