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I Want To Quit My Job To Start Something Meaningful

I Want To Quit My Job To Start Something Meaningful


As an employee, it can be daunting to have the feeling of ‘I want to quit my job to start something meaningful’, but it is worth it at the end of the day. Everyone of us had a conceptual plan that was overridden by obligations to our families, peer pressure, or the sheep mentality. This turned us into instant gratification slaves and began to destroy our plans and goals.

You can live a happier life and renew your aspirations and dreams. Your urge to work on a project you are truly enthusiastic about cannot be surpassed by any amount of money.

Follow through with this article if you have the thoughts of ‘i want to quit my job and start something meaningful’ and have considered doing so.

Things To Do Before Quitting Your Job

If you’re like the majority of individuals, you might fantasize about quitting your job to start something meaningful. You can feel exhausted, desire to try something new, or just be motivated to look for something better. Numerous studies have revealed that a lot of people want to quit their professions.

Yes, your method of quitting does matter. Impulsive behavior or even a furious quit are the absolute last things you want to do. You can end up damaging your reputation, and you might find it challenging to explain to prospective future employers why you left your previous work.

Here’s what you do first if you feel the need to give in your working papers.

  • Cope While At Work

Leave your workstation and go for a walk rather than storming into your boss’ office or sending an email announcing your resignation. At your work, practice some brief meditation, or talk to a friend about your frustrations.  All of those activities will temporarily reroute the thought process and instill tranquility.  You might also persuade yourself that this is only a short-term circumstance.

The best way to combat feelings of emotional exhaustion is to make sure you laugh and constantly remind yourself that whatever you feel is temporary. However, if your employment condition is harming your mental health at work and outside of it and you have the financial means to leave without a replacement job in place, you should do so. Although there is a danger involved, your mental health would be too expensive to pay for.

  • Recognize your “why”

Write down your reasons for quitting your employment and be candid with yourself about them. What are the conditions, and what drives you? Is it because you’re sick of your job and want a change of pace? Do you wish to quit being a bully of an employer or start your own company?

  • Make A Plan.

Determine exactly what you’re going to do with the knowledge once you have determined your why. Identify the concrete measures you’ll need to take to get from theory to practice. You’ll feel a lot more at ease if you make your next move with thought rather than on impulse.

Be very explicit about your top requirements and preferences for a new position when contacting potential new employers. Make a list of your top five requirements that are non-negotiable, as well as the qualities you would like to see in your prospective employer.

  • Look For A Job

Set realistic goals as you begin your job hunt, including dedicating a specific amount of time each day to it. Break it up into manageable bits so that you can maintain control. Then, start networking and update your résumé. Speak to folks who have successfully navigated a circumstance like switching industries or roles as well as those who might work in a field or organization you admire.

Just be aware of the source of the advice. It might not be a good fit to work with someone who hasn’t gone through the exact process as you or who departed their job hastily. Ultimately, it comes down to choosing wisely. Instead of fleeing from something, you should move toward it.

How To Quit Your Job To Start Something Meaningful

  • Decide If You Truly Desire To Leave Your Job To Pursue Your Passion.

Finding out why you don’t want to go to work and begin thinking about leaving your job could be due to a variety of factors. Determine the causes or indications that lead you to believe that you ought to leave your employment.

You might think about finding a new job in the same industry if these factors are unrelated to your workplace or if your primary objective is to use your job to pay your bills. Being a seasoned receptionist is preferable to pursuing a dream that is not truly yours.

  • Start A Side Business And Continue It

Work once you get home and develop your offering to the point where you feel confident enough to resign from your position. Before quitting your current job, create the website, draft the business model, design your product, create marketing materials, or do whatever else is necessary to begin working full-time on your new business.

If your current position drains a lot of your energy, you might also think about part-time employment possibilities. In this manner, you might conserve your energy and spend more time working on your side business. Make sure you don’t give up until your new endeavor truly requires your full-time commitment. If you don’t meet your goals, you can lack motivation in your new business.

  • Save Enough Money To Cover Your Bills.

Your monthly obligations must be paid without worry if you want to pursue your passion. While working at your current employment, you must reduce wasteful spending and add those extra dollars to your savings. Unless they are intended to be networking opportunities, you should skip the weekend get-togethers and social activities.

Giving up your job without any funds makes no sense. You won’t get paid right away from your new business. It is an excellent idea, to begin with, for a regular deposit account. As soon as you receive your paycheck, set aside a sizable sum each month, and don’t touch it again until you leave your work.

  • Write Down Your Goals

It’s crucial to have tangible evidence and a constant reminder of why you left your job and began your side hustle. At least once a week, read your written goals. If you tend to forget things, make your goals into a desktop or mobile background and keep them there until you accomplish them. You stay on track with visual evidence.

These objectives represent the wider picture of your pursuit of doing what you love. Write it down, for instance, if you want to create the best outfits in the entire state. Write down your desire to fly out of the country. If you’re going to sacrifice your profession for something, it had better be something worthwhile to think about every day. Each day, remind yourself of it.

  • Plan Ahead

Plan your course of action for the upcoming year in writing. It’s comparable to scheduling a complex execution strategy. This might be a list of your daily, weekly, or monthly chores to complete to reach your objectives. If you’re not an expert in planning, learn how to do it. After three months of working for yourself, make sure you have a plan in place so you don’t run around aimlessly.

Review the strategy repeatedly to gauge your progress. This will let you see your accomplishments and areas for improvement. Have a backup strategy as well. Even brilliant strategists and planners experience failure before success. Make sure you have a backup strategy in case your original one doesn’t pan out as you had hoped.

  • Consult A Professional

Speak with experts in the field where you wish to make a move. Attend networking events to meet individuals in your field. Most people will offer you helpful advice and connections. Attend part-time institutions to take professional courses. Networking could be quite beneficial, and professors could be very helpful in learning more about the business. They will assist you in analyzing your strategy and set you up with key contacts.

  • Get Ready To Submit A Resignation

Once you’ve recognized the potential and are mentally prepared to go headfirst into your new career, get ready to leave your current position. End on a cordial note. Avoid alienating your bosses. Your professional development may benefit from these relationships.

Keep your relationships intact. A face-to-face meeting with your supervisor or reporting manager is preferable to a surprise mailer. Inform them honestly of your new endeavor and explain why it is significant to you. Work till the very last day of the notice period. Finish every task like you would on a typical day. Your reputation will remain intact, and your relationships will remain strong.

  • Be Prepared To Dirty Up Your Hands

As a business person, you must take all the necessary steps to maintain your business. You must complete all the chores required to maintain your new business. You have to simultaneously perform the duties of a cleaner, manager, treasurer, designer, and salesperson.

You will eventually have to complete duties that you don’t particularly enjoy doing. Be prepared to complete these duties without trembling.

  • Have No Baggage

Do not owe any money! Before beginning, pay off all of your loans, bills, and upcoming obligations. You want to focus entirely on your new endeavor and avoid bending over from carrying any extra weight.

You would want to continuously take advantage of your freedom to work. While you are fully immersed in the beat of development, absolutely no distractions are permitted to approach you. Reject materialism!

  • Avoid Hesitating.

It’s beneficial to consider both the best and worst scenarios, but it’s not at all beneficial to have self-doubt. Go forth with assurance. Your life, your plans, and your rules apply to it. You can do whatever you want to do since nothing or no one can stop you.

More individuals will criticize you as you begin to attract attention. Don’t let them influence you or raise questions in your mind.

  • Recognize And Accept Failure

You’re going to fail, and that’s excellent for you! You will learn from your mistakes and become stronger with each punch you put out if you fail and lose. Before you start losing, it takes some time. The secret is to avoid letting failure demotivate you. You get closer to success the more times you fail.

  • Try Out cryptocurrency Or Stock Market Investment.

It’s an effective approach to maintaining your side’s money. You may put your money in the stock market or a cryptocurrency and allow it to grow while you sleep while you are working on your dream project. Find a reliable stock broker with sufficient experience to prevent you from losing money. If you are losing a significant amount of money, stop right away. Don’t let your money go to waste.

  • Maintain A Healthy Schedule

Whenever you are working on a project that you are genuinely passionate about, it is simple to overlook your health. Set up reminders for your daily wellness regimen. Exercise! The majority of successful people rise early and schedule at least three times per week of exercise. It enables you to devote more time and effort to your task.

Never forget why you launched your new endeavor to be happier. You won’t be able to enjoy your accomplishment if you are ill.  Attend yoga courses or study meditation online. Avoid sitting still for longer than fifteen minutes at a time, and take breaks. help avoid age-related joint discomfort and muscle atrophy, and go for a stroll, especially up and down the stairs.

  • Enjoy Your Free Time.

Taking a short break helps you be more creative and declutters your thinking. You must take time off to recharge and tackle your tasks. You cannot work nonstop. Keep in mind that one perk of the entrepreneurial journey is the ability to take days off. You can create a routine on your own, just for you.

When you are excessively worried and unable to think clearly, take a day off. Although practicing self-discipline may seem easy, it takes forever. Make time for yourself to relax.

  • Remember The Reasons You Left Your Employment.

Finally, keep in mind the reasons you left your job and began doing what you love. There will undoubtedly be days when you wish you hadn’t made the choice, but try not to let them overshadow your motivation. What you had been doing didn’t make your soul happy. What you’re doing now is what you’ve always desired to do. Remember that always.

When nothing works out, you can still return to any career you choose, but at least you won’t be plagued by regrets and what-if scenarios that keep popping up in your thoughts.

Begin now and live a regret-free life. Thought is less important than action. Start today by making your dream a reality. Start small and expand greatly. In addition, doing what you desire to do is never too late.


It’s acceptable if you continue to wonder whether you want to quit your job to start something meaningful. You are in charge of deciding whether to quit or remain at work. However, talking it over with a dependable buddy or your coach can be beneficial. In such a circumstance, it can be helpful to brainstorm your future moves and go through your list of advantages and disadvantages with someone. Additionally, it could broaden your viewpoint, clarify your essential beliefs, and assist you in weighing your options. And finally, having a conversation with another person can help you feel less stressed or anxious.

Therefore, be aware that you possess all the skills, ideas, and solutions, whether you’re prepared to put some effort into your current position or believe it’s time to find something new. Your career is something you control. Be confident in your choice because, in my opinion, it will help to strengthen your own success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I Quit My Job To Pursue My Passion?

  • In conclusion, it is probably not a good idea to quit your work and devote all of your time to your interests. However, I do suggest attempting to expand your side business (while working full-time at your job). Then, with enough effort, talent, and good fortune, you might be able to turn your passion into a source of income.

What Should I Do When I Want To Quit My Job?

  • How should I formally leave my job? Provide at least two weeks’ notice while quitting your work to prevent damaging relationships. Thank your manager for the chance, and offer to assist with the transition in your resignation letter.

What To Avoid Saying When Leaving Your Job?

  • When informing your manager that you are resigning, avoid using words like “quitting” or “leaving,” because they may make your boss feel like it is their responsibility that you are leaving your employment. Avoid sayings like “I’ve outgrown my position” or “I’ve found a better opportunity.” Let them down gently instead.

What Is The Politest Way To Leave Your Job?

Here’s how to leave a job politely:

  • Be silent. Before informing your manager, don’t tell your coworkers that you intend to leave.
  • formally resign. Don’t give up over the phone or by email.
  • Two weeks’ notice is required. More is preferable.
  • Create a resignation letter. After quitting in person, turn it in.

You can also read, I Regret Quitting My Job To Travel

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