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Quitting My Job Because Of Depression

Quitting My Job Because Of Depression


How many times have you all said, I’m “Quitting My Job Because Of Depression?” You are not alone if you are contemplating quitting your job because of depression. It is crucial to prioritize your mental and physical health. Fatigue and depression among workers are more common in the current economic climate than in the past, but even so, only about 42% of US workers care about the work-life balance and are prepared to take action to reduce stress. Approximately 83% of US workers experience mental health issues like depression.

If you are contemplating quitting your job because of depression, continue reading for advice, justifications for doing so, and other information you might need to understand how depression might influence your career.

This article will cover topics such as quitting your job because of depression, why and how you ought to do it, as well as many other issues connected to depression-related job resignation.

What Is Depression

A serious medical condition that frequently has an impact on a person’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors is known as major depressive disorder, also referred to as depression. Thankfully, it is also curable. Grief and/or a decline in interest in previous hobbies are symptoms of depression. Your performance at work and at home may suffer, and it may also lead to some mental and physical problems.

Depression symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they may include:

  • Experiencing sadness or depression
  • Loss of interest or enjoyment in formerly enjoyed activities
  • Appetite changes, weight, loss, or increase unrelated to diets
  • Inability to sleep or excessive sleeping
  • Energy loss or increased fatigue
  • A rise in unintentional movement (such as hand-wringing, pacing, or an inability to sit still), or speech or motion that is delayed.
  • Being unworthy or guilty
  • Difficulty with decision-making, concentration, or thinking
  • Suicidal or homicidal thoughts

For a diagnosis of depression, symptoms must persist for a minimum of two weeks and must indicate a change from your pre-existing level of functioning.

Additionally, medical issues like thyroid issues, brain tumors, and vitamin deficiencies can mirror the symptoms of sadness, so it’s crucial to test out any general medical diseases.

One in 15 adults (6.7%) are thought to experience depression each year. Additionally, depression will affect 16.6% of people at some point in their lives. Depression typically first shows signs in late adolescence to mid-life, though it can happen at any time. Women are more likely than men to experience depression. One-third of women will experience a significant depressive episode at some point in their lives, according to some studies. There is a high degree (about 40%) of heritability when first-degree relatives (parents, kids, or siblings) also have depression.

Factors at Risk for Depression

Even those who seem to lead relatively ideal lives might suffer from depression.

The following things may contribute to depression:

  • Biochemistry

Variations in a few brain chemicals may be a factor in the manifestation of depressive symptoms.

  • Genetics

Depression may run in families due to genetics. For instance, if one identical twin develops depression, there is a 70% probability that the other would also get the condition at some point in life.

  • Personality

It seems that those who have low self-esteem, are easily stressed out, or are usually gloomy are more prone to suffer from depression.

  • Environmental factors

Some people may be more susceptible to depression if they are constantly exposed to violence, neglect, abuse, or poverty.

How Can You Tell If It’s Time To Leave Your Job Due To Depression?

It’s crucial to know when to quit your job because of depression since holding out too long will just make your condition worse due to the stress of the job and the sense of emptiness that will result from your decreased productivity.

You might need to dig inside yourself and make an assessment of your circumstances to choose the precise time to leave your job due to depression.

Your office may occasionally be increasing your stress levels. Everyone feels immobilized in the office because of the culture of fear and anxiety there, particularly if there is a chance of getting fired or a pay cut.

When a significant event occurs and you discover that your profession is not satisfying you at all but may even be stopping you from what matters more, you may also recognize that it is time to leave your job due to depression.

One day, after visiting a loved one in the hospital, you might find yourself questioning your purpose in life.

Being afraid of spending an extended time in a profession you detest and that makes you feel lousy can be a great motivator.

Additionally, you can be working with an unpredictable supervisor who is increasing your pressures and depressing feelings.

Another factor that may force you to leave your job due to depression is having an authoritative person who is continually putting you down, undermining your personality, and engaging you in activities that are doing you absolutely no good.

When the physical symptoms of depression start to affect you, that’s another sign that it’s time to leave your employment due to depression.

It may be time to take a break from your job and take a break from your profession or simply find a simpler job doing anything that is not as demanding if you are unable to work since you’re not getting enough sleep or eating healthily. If you frequently call in sick because you realize you are not in a good state of mind to perform at work, it may also be time to do so.

How Can You Leave Your Job Due To Depression?

The following advice may help you begin the process of leaving your work due to depression:

  • Make contact with a therapist, begin discussing your job and everything else that is depressing you, and begin formulating a plan of action.
  • Pay attention to your funds; depending on where you live, it can take some time before you can file for unemployment or disability benefits.
  • Before you choose to quit your job, try to enlist the assistance of family, friends, or close relationships to organize your belongings.
  • Try to create a strategy for what you’ll do once you’ve left your employment in mind.
  • If you discover that you don’t have enough money to support yourself after quitting your job, attempt to find something that you can do from home or part-time, possibly involving consulting or freelancing, where you don’t have to put in as much time or make significant decisions.

Finding a Balance Between Mental Health, Work, and Life

Nearly one in five persons in the United States suffer from a mental disease, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. 53 million Americans are represented by this. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also notes that approximately 71% of working individuals report experiencing at least one stress symptom, such as headaches and anxiety-related sensations. These might be indicators of deteriorating mental health.

Many individuals identify themselves by the things they do for a living as a result of pursuing a particular career, because they are working to support themselves while starting a business or attending school, or because they’ve finally got jobs after being out of work for a while.

Since most people spend the bulk of their waking hours at work, it makes sense that one’s employment has a significant impact on their mental health. Certain jobs can be extremely cognitively and emotionally exhausting, which can hurt general well-being. If you’ve experienced mental health problems, you may have considered leaving your employment to preserve your mental health.

Most Prevalent Mental Health Issues.

Your capacity to work may be impacted by a variety of behavioral and mental health issues. These disorders are frequently made worse by demanding work environments.

  • Mood Disorders 

Chronic exhaustion, poor energy, melancholy, and thoughts of guilt, helplessness, or unworthiness are symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), clinical depression, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD), and other mood disorders. Sometimes the conditions are accompanied by symptoms like excessive energy, restlessness, anxiety, or anger but these periods are shorter-lived than depressive episodes.

  • Psychotic Disorders

The most well-known forms of psychotic disorders, which are characterized by aberrant thinking and perceptions of the world, are schizoaffective and schizophrenia disorder. Due to paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, or other severe problems, people with these disorders begin to lose their sense of reality.

  • Anxiety Disorders

obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), phobias, and panic disorders such as social phobia, are all included in the category of anxiety disorders. Excessive concern and panic-like feelings are hallmarks of these diseases, which may be brought on by irrational or obsessional ideas or particular stimuli like bugs or other people.

  • Personality Disorders

narcissistic personality disorder, Borderline personality disorder, paranoid and delusional disorders, schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders, among others, are examples of personality disorders. These involve persistent, undesirable behavioral and mental patterns that are rigid. People who struggle with these diseases frequently have tumultuous interpersonal connections, a difficult time keeping a balanced personal life, and difficulty managing daily stresses.

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

The stress response that results from experiencing a traumatic experience, such as a natural calamity, conflict, assault, or major accident, causes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Insomnia, nightmares, Anger outbursts, loneliness,  flashbacks, and feelings of worry, sadness, or guilt are all possible side effects of the stress response.

Importance Of Writing A Resignation Letter Due To Depression

The appropriate course of action is to notify management or HR as soon as you decide to resign from your position so that they can arrange a successor on your behalf and prepare your documents as soon as feasible. Additionally, it enables the organization to efficiently handle and share the data related to your superannuation, taxes, and payroll.

The length of notice you must provide your employer before your last day of employment may be outlined in your contract of employment or award. If not, try to offer as much notice as you can to lessen the strain on your coworkers while the employer looks for a replacement.

Writing A Resignation Letter While Quitting Because Of Depression

Before drafting your letter of resignation, speak with HR or your manager to determine what actions, if any, need to be taken before submitting your formal resignation. A small business might, for instance, ask you to speak with the owner directly first so that they can fully understand your issue. You can start writing your letter after checking this. Here are some ideas on how to write your resignation letter with important details included:

  • Note the Date and Time.

Include the time and date that you wrote your resignation letter. This makes it easier for both you and management to determine exactly how long you will be employed after turning in your letter. Provide this data at the beginning of the page, except for emails, which automatically record timestamps.

  • Identify the Recipient by Name

Introduce the addressee formally at the start of the letter. Include a salutation at the beginning, such as “Dear” or “Hello,” and then the recipient’s name. Address the recipient using their entire title, such as Ms. or Mr., followed by their last name if you work for a major firm. If the owner or employer of a small firm is also your employer, you can just utilize their

  • Include an Official Resignation Letter.

Indicate your intention to leave the company in the initial line of your letter. The title of the role you occupy may be mentioned, but it’s not required. Maintain the tone of your intended message simple, direct, and clear.

  • Declare Your Last Day of Employment.

Make careful to specify your last day of employment precisely. The majority of employers demand at least two weeks’ notice, however, there are exceptions. Before leaving, be sure to clarify the criteria with management or your boss in an informal talk. Then, provide the precise date in your letter.

  • Show Your Appreciation

Don’t forget to express your gratitude to the firm for hiring you. Keeping in touch with your old employer after leaving can be beneficial for finding work in the future. The corporation or business will be more inclined to speak well of your time spent there if you use them as a reference.

  • List Any Relevant Details.

You might be able to do certain things to assist management in smoothing over the process of your leave. In your casual meeting, talk about these, and explain them in your resignation letter. For instance, if you worked in a kitchen, you may spend your last few weeks assisting in the hiring and training of new employees.

  • Say Goodbye by Closing the Letter. 

Following your complete name, you could add expressions like Sincerely or Yours faithfully. Depending on the business, you can also include your signature, although it’s not required.

Examples Of Resignation Letter Due To Depression


Hello, Mr. Raymond

I’m writing to let you know that I’m leaving Acapella Industry as of Thursday, July 22. As we spoke with you on July 7, I have been finding it difficult to satisfy the demands of my job, which has caused me a huge amount of stress that I haven’t been able to alleviate. As a result, I’m quitting to concentrate on my mental well-being.

I appreciate all of your assistance, the possibilities you have provided me, and your consideration of my predicament throughout my stay with the organization. Please get in touch if there’s anything I could do to make this change less difficult.

Sincere sympathies,

Imabong Magaret


Any time you retreat from something, particularly quitting your job because of depression at work, it’s always OK to put it down to your mental health. We must look out for ourselves, and treating a mental illness is no different from treating a physical one.

You must constantly evaluate if your employment is improving or detracting from your life. If you are unable to address the underlying cause of your current state of emotions, it seems extremely probable that a change in employment is required if you are dreading going to work, are terrified, uninspired, disconnected (floating through), and in tears.

It’s a significant decision to quit a job because it’s your livelihood. I would advise you to evaluate the factors you may influence in this circumstance and to make the most of them. If you haven’t discussed your worries with your immediate supervisor or higher-ups, I’d advise that you do so. There are several leaves of absence options accessible to most people, so you, your employer, and possibly your doctor could consider the possibility that you need to halt your career.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is It Advisable To Quit Your Job Because Of Depression?

  • If your job is giving you too much stress, you should quit. Any work that puts too much stress on you is not worth it because chronic stress has been connected to some issues like heart ailments and a weakened immune system. Additionally, severe health issues like migraines or ulcers can be brought on by excessive stress. It may be time to think about quitting your job or even having your responsibilities decreased if your employment is causing you such a great deal of stress that it negatively impacts your health.

Is Leaving Your Job For Mental Health Reasons Acceptable?

  • Yes, it is acceptable to leave your job due to poor mental health, just as it would be acceptable to leave your job if you suffered from a debilitating physical condition. As long as you genuinely believe leaving a job after a few months is wrong is absolutely acceptable. It’s completely acceptable to prioritize your pleasure and well-being.

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